01659 857100
“The function of the coach is to understand. Not to solve, fix, heal, make better
or be wise. Simply get interested."
Miles Downey: Effective Coaching
There are many definitions of exactly what coaching is and it is worth spending a few moments understanding what coaching means if you are going to invest your time and money. Coaching is not new, it has its roots in Zen and with the Stoics. Tim Gallwey has to be the godfather of modern coaching and has influenced almost every coach, sports and business, in some significant way since writing his book The Inner Game of Tennis in 1974.
Sir John Whitmore defined it several ways, this is just one of them: -
“Coaching is as much about the way things are done as about what is done. Coaching delivers results in a large measure because of the supportive relationship between the coach and the client, and the means and style of communication used. The client acquires the facts, not from the coach, but from within themselves, stimulated by the coach.”
Coaching is client centred, individual and absolutely confidential. It is outcome orientated, dealing in visions, a actions and practices. It works because it is delivered in a supportive relationship. It’s more in the being than the doing. Although coaching focuses on the individual’s objectives, it may, however, impact upon and improve the results of the business.
hawkeen.com will help you become aware of what you want, what’s important about that and what may be limiting in you achieving it.
If you would like an open discussion about where you are and how we can help please contact us ...let’s talk about it.

07887 811567

Just give us call or send us an email at: simon@hawkeen.com
Coaching is client centred, individual and absolutely confidential. It is outcome orientated, dealing in visions, a actions and practices. It works because it is delivered in a supportive relationship. It’s more in the being than the doing. Although coaching focuses on the individual’s objectives, it may, however, impact upon and improve the results of the business.
NLP brings to coaching the following attributes: the ability to build rapport, speed, pragmatism, curiosity, simplicity, trust, and the understanding about how goals, beliefs and values interact. These are extremely useful when exploring the present to design the future.